Zira - $ZIRA

Total Votes: 1446
Today Votes: 1367

Contract Address:



payment ETH
PreSale Ended
Market Cap 0 ($)
Price ($)

Zira’s Mission

As the world progresses, the demand for sustainable and green energy sources increases. Along with this demand comes the need for a blockchain that focuses on these energy sources. The current state of blockchain technology consumes a large amount of energy, mainly sourced from non-renewable fossil fuels. This is harmful to the environment and creates a large carbon footprint. With the increasing demand for green energy, a new blockchain-based on this sustainable source is needed.

Zira is creating a solution to this with a proprietary blockchain that will use proof of stake as a consensus model. This means those who hold the most tokens would have the most power to validate transactions. This would create an incentive for users to invest in green energy sources, as they would be able to earn more rewards.

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