Rock Paper Scissors - $RPS

Total Votes: 180
Today Votes: 180
Launched at: May 10,2024

Contract Address:



payment ETH
PreSale Ended
Market Cap 0 ($)
Price ($)

"Rock Paper Scissors" is a blockchain-powered game that adds a fresh spin to the classic game by incorporating real money. This game allows players to use any ERC20 tokens in their wallet. When initializing a game, players select an amount from their preferred crypto assets as their bet. Two players with identical bets are then matched and play until a winner emerges.

The gameplay follows traditional "Rock Paper Scissors" rules. On each turn, players choose one of three options: Rock, Paper, or Scissors. The game operates on the principle that Rock crushes Scissors, Scissors cut Paper, and Paper covers Rock. If the players choose the same shape, it results in a draw and the game continues.

The objective is for one player to score 3 wins first, at which point they are declared the overall winner and awarded the entire pot, consisting of both players' bets. Each turn has a time limit of 15 minutes. If a move isn't made within the 15 minutes, either player can claim a technical forfeit and take the entire prize. Winning involves strategically predicting your opponent's moves and choosing between rock, paper, or scissors.

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