RaysX - $RAX

Total Votes: 1591
Today Votes: 1570
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Launched at: Apr 30,2023

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payment BSC
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RaysX An on-chain analytics platform that helps traders and investors holistically analyze decentralized finance (DeFi) and developers to publish and monetize their decentralized applications through the $RAX token and the RaysX Protocol. The RaysX team is building an analytics infrastructure for DeFi users and analytics tool developers. This will provide an opportunity to establish a direct connection between users and DeFi developers. The products that the team is developing are aimed at solving a number of problems, such as easy entry of developers into web3 without learning new programming languages, asset rating based on fundamental indicators from the data blockchain and social networks. General product concept. RAX token is the main element of tokenomics. Developers build cApps in any programming language and convert to dApps using RaysX Procotol, paying for the conversion with RAX tokens. Users install fresh dApps from the application marketplace into their RaysX DEX terminal, use dApps data to make exchange transactions, the RaysX protocol earns a fee in native blockchains currencies, part of which is paid to the developer. Also, the users can buy NFT platforms, then trade and earn RAX, this is another important incentive in tokenomics. In the team of CEO and founder of RaysX, George Gus is an experienced product developer and web3 entrepreneur. In one of his projects, George Gus attracted investments from 18 crypto funds, including Poolz Ventures,


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