Big Coin - $BIG

Total Votes: 1378
Today Votes: 1219
Launched at: Feb 25,2022

Contract Address:



payment BSC
PreSale Ended
Market Cap 25,154,512,952 ($)
Price 0.000026202672247623 ($)

BIG Coin is already one of the biggest and most trusted community coin listing and voting platform with 10k-20k users.

Why invest in BIG Coin token?

✅ We are sure you are tired of Rugpulls and scams. When we launched Bigcoin our idea was to first have a successful working project and now we are in the process of expanding it into a much bigger project - think CoinMarketCap 2.0. We have already started working on it.

✅ Backed by platform

✅ Big coin token is a use case token.

✅ We get 10k-20k users daily who are looking to invest in new projects.

✅ We will have unlimited Marketing on our website that will benefit the token and our community.

✅ We have a strong and hard working team that knows how to run a successful company because we totally believe that a company is only as good as it's team.

✅ Our advertisers will get a 20-30% discount if they pay using our token. This will help increase our token's price

✅ The new features that we implement will be community driven.

Reputable and trusted company

All year round free marketing - 365 days - 24x7 on

Potential 1000x

SAFE investment

Tremendous exposure to 10k-20k users everyday.

Website trusted by millions of people

One of the biggest coin listing platform

Exciting partnerships in works.

TokenomicsTotal Supply 1000,000,000,000,000

Presale Price is 0.000000004$

10% Presale :

10% Teem

52% Burn

1% Burn Every Sunday For Next one year

80% lock


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