ActiveCredit - $AHC

Total Votes: 3155
Today Votes: 3011

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payment MATIC
PreSale Ended
Market Cap 8,401,571 ($)
Price 0.016803142055390000 ($)

Introducing a new crypto currency designed to build and strengthen local communities! 

The ActiveHub platform is dedicated to creating sustainable and resilient local economies, with a focus on supporting small businesses and community initiatives. With this new currency, you can support your favorite local businesses, donate to community projects, and participate in local events with ease and security.

Our technology allows for transparent and secure transactions, while also providing a social dimension to the currency.

You can connect with others in your community who share similar interests and work together to build a more resilient global neighborhood.

In addition, our platform offers incentives for users to HOLD their currency, such as holding tokens will earn you a share of all transactions.

This creates a self-sustaining system that promotes community growth and resilience.

ActiveCredits (AHC)

AHC is a community currency used to transact on the ActiveHub platform. AHC has a total circulating supply of 1,000,000 with the remainder of the supply locked using a DAO mechanism enabling future growth options whilst eliminating the risk of unethical behaviour.

AHC has a transaction fee mechanism of 4%, which is redistributed to all wallets holding AHC, burnt to reduce circulating supply, and is used for liquidity marketing and development. 

ActiveHub has created a decentralized platform that connects small businesses and individuals, empowering them to transact with each other without the need for intermediaries. 

The platform is built on the Matic blockchain, which enables fast and low-cost transactions. AHC transaction fee mechanisms sustainably fund the platform's development and growth.

As a community-driven project, ActiveHub is committed to building strong and lasting relationships with its users and partners, ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for everyone involved.

Join the ActiveHub today and become part of the revolution in commerce and community!

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